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The one where we can score with Jamal and Brad can do it all | Five Takes on the Five Stripes

26 Views • 04/11/24
Atlanta United Fan TV
Atlanta United Fan TV
9 Subscribers

?low-key MOM
?Jason Longshore's double duty
?Natural disasters, other than Chelsea

1: Considering how well we’ve been performing defensively, it’s really frustrating to give up a goal in that manner. The penalty is soft but the opportunity comes from our own error.

2: Both teams created as many opportunities for the other as they did for themselves. NYC got a little fortunate with their goal. We provided everything but the finish for the majority of the match.

3: We were missing GG’s frame to help get it on frame. On top of being a great goal scorer, his strength and hold up play has also been key. He’s also our best aerial threat we’ve maybe ever had and we missed that.

4: He’s big, he’s bald he can f-ing do it all. It’s been a little while since we’ve had Brad be so key both defensively and offensively. He’s done all that’s been asked of him and then some.

5: Were Rios’ and Firmino's legs broken? Didn’t agree with Etienne at the 9. He did have his opportunity to win not only the game but possibly more minutes, but for some reason he heads it away from goal instead of directly into net. He continues to be what he’s been.

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