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We Played the Revolution Before We Finished Our Evolution | Five Takes on the Five Stripes

11 Views • 07/08/24
Atlanta United Fan TV
Atlanta United Fan TV
9 Subscribers

On this episode of Five Takes on the Five Stripes we discuss...

??Our takes
? Your takes
?Thiago's mentality and Character
?? USA losing in a couple ways

1: Fortune was unfortunate. With more time and development and the right pieces around him, he can be a real game changer. He’s got some real unpredictability to him and he’s not afraid to have a hit.

2: Brooks getting back to form is great to see. His service has been much better. It’s a shame no one had the finishing touch to go with it.

3: If you’re going to hold a higher line, you actually have to press. We did it last match, we didn’t this time. New England was too comfortable in our end.

4: Double digit corners and we couldn’t even get a shot on target let alone an actual goal. We should be and need to be getting more from set pieces.

5: Muyumba’s liabilities are starting to outweigh his positive assets. He has great moments but he gives up possession too much and often at the worst possible times in the worst possible places.

Thank you as always to MasonMillChiro.com

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